Case Study


How we helped Bella to improve non-verbal communication skills to verbal communication skills

The child is learning to play jigsaw puzzles without assistance

Types of skills trained since the start of therapy


  • Unable to verbally communicate her needs
  • Relies on  limited gestures and single sounds to indicate her needs
  • Display different disruptive behaviors (e.g. banging her head onto people, wetting herself to avoid tasks)
  • Short attention span (e.g can’t sit still to work on her table task)
  • Limited play skills (e.g. Only interested in playing with cookset, did not display much imaginary and pretend play)
  • Weak learning to learn and observational skills




Testimonial from Bella’s parents

Bella has Developmental Global Delay. We simply hoped for improvement for her behaviour, learning and speech. However, we attended a few other training centers but no great success. She was still non verbal with different behavior issues. As a result, we joint Bridge to hope for a better progress for Bella. We are very impressed and thankful by how much she could achieve in 12 months time with Bridge Academy. Bella has improved substantially with her Speech in particular, from non- verbal to verbal and as well her social and behaviour have shown improvements which were beyond our starting point expectations.Bridge offers a comprehensive program which has shown to work for our daughter. She suffered from meningitis which resulted in cerebral palsy coupled with mild autism. Results thus far, she is able to walk, talk or verbalize and Bridge has helped on her path to recovery – something which has been a better outcome vs. our expectations to date.

Bella’s parents

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